Working towards Software Engineer position

Josh burger
3 min readOct 18, 2021


Hello everyone, Today I am going to talk about my experiences so far as I am moving more ahead after graduating. Talk a little about the routine I use to keep me going and try to find my first software engineering position.

Today marks 3 months since I've graduated from Flatiron Bootcamp as a full-stack software engineer. Since I've graduated I still have not found that position and company I can call home. After a lot of applications and job searching it does get stressful and depressing sometimes when you get the rejection back from a company. I keep my head up and reach out to people and my support group to keep me going. As I keep looking all I know is that it only takes one yes from a company to fulfill my dream job. A little about what I have been doing while job searching and the routine that keeps me going.

I try every day to keep my skills up to date as well as try to learn new languages and frameworks. I have been working on a little side project, the project will be my own blog site. Another little project I got to work on was an internship coding challenge that took me two days to complete. I have a blog about my experiences doing my first project coding challenge for a company. Link Here:

I recently joined a volunteer group to work on a project with a software team to get hands-on experience and learn a lot more working with a team. I just got the onboarding process started and ill be on the frontend and the backend to make new implementations as well as fix bugs and learn lots of code. I am really excited to start this new adventure because when I graduated I didn't have the normal routine I was used to. Waking up going to class and having a full day of work and labs to code. Now it's all up to ME on how I will succeed and be able to bring the tools and experience I learned to a company that will value what I bring to the table.

I always continue to keep learning new things daily and will continue to keep learning because that's what a software engineer does. I always reach out to people that I can ask questions when I'm not sure what I need to do next.

If you are on the job search or thinking about changing careers I have a little advice for you. No matter how many rejections you get back it's only one step closer to getting what you want. I learned that the more you put yourself in uncomfortable positions the more will come out of you. I learned tons of soft skills as with my tech skills. Going into a lot of interviews and talking to a lot of different people connecting changes the way you think and talk. It's going to be so rewarding when I get the position that I always dreamed of and ill keep you guys on my journey to being a full-time software engineer. Thank you for taking the time out of your day and reading my blog.



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